What's a service like? Our service is a Traditional Liturgical Worship service which has two parts: the Service of the Word (Three Scripture Readings, Sermon, Prayers, and The Lord’s Prayer) and the Service of the Sacrament (Holy Communion and Thanksgiving) at every service. We sing several hymns throughout the service with the accompaniment of an electric organ. Occasionally we have the choir sing or special music from the handbell choir during the service.
What's the music like? Our music is taken from the Lutheran Service Book, with an occasional contemporary flair from Creative Worship, by Concordia Publishing House.
How do people dress? Dress ranges from blue jeans to dresses, suits and ties. There is no dress code at Zion. All are welcome.
What about my kids? We offer a kid-friendly environment, and we provide the crayons, along with a Children's Bulletin. Sunday School follows the service.
Can I take communion? Please see our statement regarding Holy Communion.
How can I get connected? We offer free wi-fi for attendees, but discourage online use while services are in progress.
Where do I park? We have a large, off-street parking lot, and our building is handicapped-accessible using the south entrance ramp.